We revolutionize your business through digital transformation and develop bespoke innovative solutions tailored to your needs!

With a forward-thinking mindset, we create captivating user experiences by building and deploying sophisticated systems and technologies that transform your offerings and differentiate you from the competition. By seamlessly integrating marketing expertise with sophisticated web development, we create competitive business models that leave a lasting impact in the markets.


Appealing informative websites

Sales generating e-shops

Online booking, ordering systems, platforms, marketplaces e.t.c.

Effective landing pages

Functional mobile applications

Sophisticated custom software

Complex integrations

Minimum Viable Products (MVP)

We manage web design and development from conception to completion through a precise process.

Needs Assessment

We work closely with you to understand your scope, needs and the context of the project. We analyze your brand and assist you in specifying the business requirements to ensure that everything we build will achieve the desired outcome.

Information Architecture Definition

We establish an effective Information Architecture (IA) to create logical and intuitive user experiences. By defining the hierarchy, navigation and relationships within the digital environment, we ensure that information is organized effectively to support usability, accessibility, and findability for users.

Content Development

We create and incorporate relevant content (copy, imagery, videos, photography, animations e.t.c.) based on the brand’s guidelines and communication goals, while carefully selecting optimal web practices and technological features to achieve the desired results.

Web Design

It’s time to get branded! Our visual design team creates the look and feel from scratch, producing an original design, adhering to brand guidelines and carefully integrating elements that foster an compelling environment. By artfully blending creativity with deep marketing understanding, we craft appealing developments that convert and engage your audience effectively.

Web Development

Leveraging state-of-the-art technologies, the skilled developers at Hats ON meticulously craft websites, e-commerce platforms and diverse web applications. Employing user-friendly Content Management Systems (CMS), our solutions facilitate seamless content updates, affording your own team the flexibility to manage content effortlessly following the necessary training we provide.


There’s no going in blind here: we test every aspect of the development vigorously before anything goes live and tweak every detail to get it all just right.

Going live

This is the big day we have been working so hard for. Our team ensure it goes smoothly and apply all required procedures.


We systematically monitor live websites, e-commerce platforms, or any web application we deploy, ensuring optimal functionality. Through ongoing adjustments, optimizations and maintenance, we guarantee that all operate seamlessly.